Bee Swarm
If you have a SWARM to remove please click one of the links below to reach a local beekeeper:
Bees swarming is a natural occurrence most often in Spring. Bee swarms are identified by a mass of bees clustered on a post or hanging from a tree or some other structure and looks like a live bunch of grapes. The bees may stay in this cluster for a few minutes up to a few days while they look for a new home.
Swarming bees are not dangerous and are just looking for a new home and should be left alone, do not spray them with a hose, smoke or insecticide as you may get stung. The bees will not harm you if they are left alone! Remember the important role bees play in fertilizing many of our nuts, fruit and vegetables. Why not try to contact a beekeeper to have the swarm removed and placed in a beehive?
The Amateur Beekeepers Association of NSW runs a swarm removal program where a beekeeper will come and collect the swarm and rehome it in a bee hive.
For information on this program