Beekeeping is rewarding and being part of a beekeeping club is not only helpful and informative, but also supportive, fun and social.
Why become a member?
Beekeeping is rewarding and being part of a beekeeping club is not only helpful and informative, but also supportive, fun and social.
The Sydney Bee Club meet on a regular basis to provide members support and to share and discuss local experiences in beekeeping. See our events page for meeting times. We generally meet monthly on the last Monday of each month (sometimes public holidays change our meeting times, so check our events page).
During spring, summer and the beginning of autumn, we hold apiary field days. See the event page for dates and to register.
You might like to come along to one of the meetings or field days to get a feel for whether this is the hobby for you. Once you are keen, the next step is to do a ‘hands on’ course, then join a club to benefit form the collective knowledge of its many experienced members or buddy up with someone in your local area.
Joining a network of beekeeping buddies through a club can help you when you need it.
Keep abreast of the many changes occurring in beekeeping such as:
- find out about new ways of managing bees
- new regulations, licensing, bee disease and biosecurity updates.
- be registered in the ABA swarm collection web page
- benefit of discounts at participating beekeeping supply stores
- borrow for free the extracting and wax refining equipment
- take part in honey and bee competitions
- benefit of a personal beekeeping insurance at a reasonable rate
- take part in branch committees, events organisation, help educating novices
Benefits of joining Sydney Bee Club:
When you join the Sydney Bee Club branch, this happens under the umbrella of the Amateur Beekeepers Association of NSW. This enables benefits to our club including:
- access to high quality scientific presentations and experts
- access to a network of beekeeper keen on helping each others
- beekeeping insurance
- discounts at participating beekeeping supply stores
- Access to a swarm system to co-ordinate members’ efforts in collecting bee swarms
- Opportunity to come to field days and meetings for free ! (see events page for details)
- acess regular news via our newsletter (sign up here)
- ABA Journal/quarterly eNewsletter with current NSW Amateur beekeeper news
- Right to be part of our closed facebook group source of amazing day to day local support and news.
- ABA fees* = $25
- Sydney bee club fees* = $5
- Public and product liability Insurance up to 100 hives* = $25 (optional but DPI registration number is compulsory)
- Fees includes membership card, one log book, and one biosecurity manual.
- Additional Log Book can be purchased from ABA shop.
* Valid from date of payment until 30 JUNE 2025
* For more information regarding membership fees please click here.